Food & Hotel Indonesia, a Virtual Exhibition
Food & Hotel Indonesia (FHI) 2022 returns for its 16th edition. Indonesia’s leading comprehensive hospitality, food & beverage international exhibition for over 28 years, this year FHI will be held in conjunction with Hotelex Indonesia and Specialty Food Indonesia.
FHI was held virtually for the first time, featuring four components – digital product showcase and B2B marketplace for sourcing products and services, business matching programme for connecting with new and existing partners, and gain insights from the top industry experts into one virtual business platform, FHI VirtualHub. In line with the advancement of technology to offer a virtual engagement and networking platform, as another channel of communication to reach the right partner is essential to making sure that a business can truly reach its true potential.
FHI has become the spearhead for companies that are looking to expand their market reach across worldwide borders. FHI will continue and support to accelerate a sustainable business growth to help the sectors shine globally and making Indonesia 4.0 towards 2030.
To register as a visitor or exhibitor, please access the FHI VirtualHub 2021 website through this link: https://www.foodhotelindonesia.com/fhi-virtualhub-2021/.
Contact Person: Leonarita Hutama
Marketing Communication Manager