The role and value of the premium online exhibition of the Korea Electricity Industry Promotion Association (KOEMA, https://www.k-elecs.com/ ),which was built with the support of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy and KOTRA this year, is expected to increase in 2022.
As the collapse of the trade system is accelerating along with global bad news, and in particular, the emergence of Omicron, a new phase of the COVID-19 pandemic is taking place, and the world is pulling the reins of lockdown again. In the midst of this, the use of the online exhibition hall has increased as an essential promotional and marketing element for pioneering global markets in the digital age.
KOEMA is recognizing the need for an online exhibition hall early on, plans to link offline exhibitions and online exhibition halls in earnest to create synergy effects and actual performances of participating companies.
Currently, over 90 companies and 500contents are registered in the K-ELECTRIC premium online exhibition hall, and through online intensive consultations held in July and August in 2021,consultations of $80 million were achieved.
In 2022, KOEMA is planning to hold a contact free online export consultation with overseas buyers by recruiting buyers from100 companies in 25 countries jointly with KORTA in order to pioneer global markets for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) who have difficulty in developing global business in the aftermath of Corona 19. In addition, the Promotion Association plans to actively utilize the online exhibition hall to respond to rapidly changing domestic and foreign situations and various global regulatory policies.
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